Friday, December 15, 2006

I got the 3rd place of dawson in BridgeStone photo contest

Today I received the email from BridgeStone photo contest organizer and was
told that I got the 3rd place of dawson in the contest. This is so exciting because
this is my first time to submit photo to a contest. I'd like to share my feeling with
you all. Still, I need a lot of work to do to improve.

Monday, December 11, 2006

CAMO Invitation 2006 (Diving)

Yesterday, I went to the Complexe Sportif Claude-Robillard and photographed the CAMO Invitation 2006 diving competition. It's uncommon for me to watch such competion on spot. And it's the first time I shoot this kind of subject. I felt the difficulties of sports photography. Basically, it requires superb equipment, such as big aperture (at least F2.8) telephoto lens, high speed continuously shoot camera, etc. Without those stuff, it's hard to get even a clear picture. Anyway, I tried hard to get some photos. Here's one of them, and others can be found at my web album

Monday, December 4, 2006

Freezing rain

After a night of freezing rain, a friend and I went to Mont-Royal to shoot the ice. Here's one picture:
Finally, I found the way to increase the width of the blog, to change the template. It's a bit hard for normal user. Anyway, it works.

Recent photos

I recently shoot for a girl using Xmas as subject. Here's one of those pictures. You may see others on my website:

My first blog experience

I'm studying commercial photography in Dawson College, Montreal. As per the requirement of an assignment, I need to create a blog account and post something. I have heard "blog" many times, but I'm not a person who want to invest much time on diary or something alike. So it's the first time to use blog.

I don't want to spend much time on writting, but would like to share my photos with others. Previously, I post my photos at my website Now I can share it on blog. By the way, here's my tag on the right.